Helping People Is A Life Inspiration
The greatest joy in the world is to help someone and feel the happiness emanating from that person’s heart, I think no one can match this happiness, Stare will always be dedicated to helping people.
We Work Together

We Are Non Profit Organization
We are a grassroots NGO working with the people in the slums of the country all over UP except a all city. We educate poor children, in them we also pay attention to the health and education of girls, we teach the qualities of education as well as employment to the daughters and women living in such slums and make them aware of their rights.
We Are A Strong Team
We have a big team, we give our service all over UP except all city, the number of volunteers in our team is also increasing continuously, our team is motivated to work with full dedication and strength in service work. Our team is not just a team but a family, and we take care of our family, and our family is growing continuously with mutual love and service spirit.

Become Our Volunteer
Stare wants to work in the whole UP, every person who has the spirit of service can definitely join us, if you also want to serve the people by joining us, then contact us.
Our Team